[Coronavirus] 7 ways to protect yourself from corona virus,corona viruses
[Coronavirus] 7 ways to protect yourself from corona virus


Coronavirus 7 ways to protect yourself from corona virus 

Coronavirus is a very dangerous virus, this virus has caused panic among people all over the world, because no cure has been discovered yet, some reports are said that corona is born from wuhan city of china, in wuhan city china Due to eating illegal animals and birds, it is said that the most liked food in wuhan city of China is Bats and snakes, and corona is also spread by the same food, yet wuhan city of China. And about 260 people died in China Bone, and nearly 10,200 people infected of Corona, Corona yet which spans which countries - Corona now India, US, Saudi, Singapore, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, China | So let's know, how to protect yourself from corona virus.

coronavirus infection

1 - Eat 5-7 Neem leaf on an empty stomach in the morning

neem leaf,neem leaf image

Yes, half of your disease will be overcome by just eating neem leaf, because neem leaf acts as an antibiotic, neem extract has the properties of fighting diabetes, diabetes, bacteria and viruses. Neem stem, root, bark and raw fruits are also found to have strength and fight against periodic diseases. Its bark is very useful especially in malaria and skin diseases.


2- Eat basil leaf on empty stomach in the morning

basil leaf image

In Ayurveda, every part of the basil plant is said to be beneficial in terms of health. The root of basil, its branches, leaves and seeds all have their own importance. Usually, there are two types of basil seen in homes. One whose leaves have a slightly darker color and another whose leaves have a lighter color.

3 - Be sure to apply a mask in the mouth while exiting
mouth mask man image

Because, if someone is infected with Corona virus, then coughing or sneezing will enter you.

4 - Always drink water boiled

boiled water image

Drinking boiled water has many benefits, drinking boiled water never makes you heavy, and if a virus enters your body then it can also eliminate
Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water throughout the day is very beneficial, but sometimes people are confused about drinking cold or hot, plain water. Many research has revealed that drinking hot water instead of plain or cold in the morning has many benefits. Toxic substances stored inside the body are eliminated by hot water. Also, it helps in eliminating constipation and all stomach related diseases.

5 - Stay away from meat

Corona virus is spread in humans from birds and animals, so do not eat meat at all

6.- Never eat food made more than 24 hours

food image

7 - Wash hands with soap 7-8 times a day

[Coronavirus] 7 ways to protect yourself from corona virus


corona virus symptoms

Corona virus (COV) belongs to a family of viruses whose infection can cause problems ranging from a cold to breathlessness. This virus has never been seen before. The virus infection started in December in Wuhan, China. According to WHO, fever, cough, shortness of breath are its symptoms. So far no vaccine has been made to stop the virus from spreading.

What are the symptoms of this disease?

Due to its infection, problems like fever, cold, shortness of breath, runny nose and sore throat arise. This virus spreads from person to person. Therefore, great care is being taken about this. The virus first caught in China in December. It is expected to reach other countries.

What are the preventive measures?

The Ministry of Health has issued guidelines to prevent corona virus. According to them, hands should be washed with soap. Alcohol based hand rub can also be used. Keep your nose and mouth covered with handkerchief or tissue paper while coughing and peeling. Keep distance from people who have cold and flu symptoms. Avoid intake of eggs and meat. Avoid contact with wild animals.

No doctor can save you after being affected by Corona virus, so go out every day with great care, and try to stay away from cold, cold people, follow all the instructions mentioned above, if you If you take so much care, you will be far away from the corona,

The world health organization has stated that it may take us about 1 year to make its vaccine, even after this vaccine will be used only for the test, after being successful this vaccine will be delivered to people, till then corona The havoc will have spread all over the world, millions of people will be affected by this, corona is going to be the deadliest virus ever, people of the world are engaged in protecting their countries with corona virus, from one country Airline services to other countries have been shut down, to prevent the spread of corona, passengers are being checked at airports in countries around the world, including India, if a person infected with corona virus remains. So he is taken aside, then he is checked in the lab, if the person in the side is infected with corona, then his journey is canceled.

People should avoid meat until vaccines are made, because animals and small animals, birds may already have corona virus. To protect yourself from corona virus, drink boiled water and take a bath with hot water. And wash the hands with soap only with hot water. To avoid this virus, you can also drink milk with turmeric, and spinach juice.


In this article, you have been told the ways to protect yourself from corona virus, there are 7 ways by which you can stay safe from corona